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Membership in the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is given upon the recommendation of two members of the society, a favorable vote by the Membership Committee, and confirmation by the Officers and Gentlemen of the Council. Anyone interested in membership must start by contacting an existing member in good standing, to whom the candidate is well known, to serve as sponsor.

Any male person of good character, and lineal descendant of one who, as a military, naval or marine officer, soldier, sailor, or marine, in actual service, under the authority of any of the thirteen Colonies or States or of the Continental Congress, and remaining always loyal to such authority, or a lineal descendant of one who signed the Declaration of Independence, or of one who, as a member of the Continental Congress, or of the Congress of any of the Colonies or States, or as an official appointed by or under the authority of any such legislative bodies, actually assisted in the establishment of American Independence by services rendered during the War of the Revolution, becoming thereby liable to conviction of treason against the Government of Great Britain, but remaining always loyal to the authority of the Colonies or States, or, who served honorably in a military or naval expedition against the British during the War of the Revolution under the authority of the French or Spanish Governments shall be eligible to membership in the Society. Both Senior and Junior (the latter under the age of eighteen years) memberships are available.

Applicants must be eligible under a provision of this article and be of good moral character worthy of membership. Ancestors must have maintained an honorable record of service throughout the War of the Revolution and must not have subsequently adhered to the enemy after their service.

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