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The Sons of the Revolution is a hereditary society founded in 1876 and educates the public about the American Revolution. The General Society Sons of the Revolution headquarters is a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation located at Williamsburg, Virginia. The Society is governed by a board of managers, an executive committee, officers, standing committees and their members, and staff. The General Society includes 28 State Societies and chapters in the United States, as well as Europe. The society:

  • Perpetuates the memory of the men who, in military, naval or civil service, by their acts or counsel, achieved american independence;
  • Promotes and assists in the proper celebration of the anniversaries of washington’s birthday, the battles of lexington and bunker hill, the fourth of july, the capitulations of saratoga and yorktown, the evacuation of new york by the british army, and other prominent events relating to or connected with the war of the revolution;
  • Collects and secure for preservation the manuscript rolls, records and other documents relating to that war;
  • Inspires among the members and their descendants the patriotic spirit of their forefathers;
  • Inculcates in the community in general, sentiments of nationality and respect for the principles for which the patriots of the revolution contended;
  • Assists in the commemorative celebration of other great historical events of national importance;
  • Fosters the feeling of fellowship among its members.
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